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There are currently 127 names in this directory beginning with the letter D.
danzantea dancing; te – tea dancing
dattero(of fruit) date; -i di 1, mare shellfish: sea dates
decaffeinatoa decaffeinated
decorare(of cake &c) to decorate; (of icing) to pipe
decorazione(of cake &c) decoration
decorticareto shell; to hull
decozionedecoction; reduction
defilatoa (of restaurant &c) out-of-the-way
degustatoretate-vin; tastevin
delfinattero biancowhite whale
denaro liquidocash; money
denocciolatoa (of olives) pitted
denominazione di origine controllataappellation controlee; guaranteed standard
densoa thick; (of cream) double; (of jelly) set
dentetooth; al – crunchy; firm; (of meat) slightly underdone; – di leone dandelion
dentica sea fish: dentex; sea bream
deposito (of money) deposit; (of wine) lees; deposit; sediment; (of kettle) skale; – doganale bonded warehouse
derrate alimentari foodstuff
desinare lunch; vi to lunch
dessertdessert; pudding; sweet; confection
destrosio dextrose deteinato a (of tea) decaffeinated
deteriorabilea perishable
dettagliata detailed bill
dettagliato a (of bill) itemized
diavola (alla) a devilled; grilled diavolo di mare adv sea-fish: devilfish
dicembre December dieci a ten
digestivo post-prandial drink; liqueur; digestif
digiuno abstinence; fast diliscare vt (of fish) to bone diluire vtto dilute; to thin; to water down
diluito dilute; thin dimagrante a-,(of product/diet) slimming
dimostrazione (of cooking &c) demonstration
diplomatico cream/liqueur pastry
diraspare (of grapes) to pick from bunch
disabilita (of handicap) disability
dischetto (of pastry &c) circle; disc; round
disciogliere to dissolve; to thaw; to melt
disidratato a (of fruit &c) dried; dehydrated; desiccated
disincrostante (of kettle) descaler
disincrostare (of kettle) to descale
disinfettante disinfectant
disossare (of meat) to bone
disossatoa (of meat) boned
dispensa store-cupboard; larder; buttery; pantry; scullery disponibile a (of table/room) free; available
disporre (of table &c) to arrange; to lay
disposizione (of table/flowers &c) arrangement
dissetante a (of thirst) refreshing; quenching
dissetare (of thirst) to refresh; to slake; to quench distillare W to distill
distillatore (of alcohol) still; (of person) distiller
distillazione distillation
distributore (of coffee/tickets &c) vending machine
ditalini small tubed pasta; – rigati small soup pasta
dito finger; (of whisky &c) tot
divanetto (of seating) banquette
divertimento entertainment
divertirsi to party; to have fun
dividere to divide; to separate
divieto prohibition; – di fumare no smoking; – di sosta no parking
docotto decoction; reduction
dolce cake; (of menu) pudding; a (of flavour) sweet; (of cigars &c) mild; pleasant; acqua – fresh water; – all’ uvetta rock-cake; farina – chestnut flour; patata – yam; sweet potato
dolceamaro a bitter-sweet
dolcetto sweetmeat; Piedmont red wine
dolcezza (of fruit) sweetness
dolciario a sweet; confectionery
dolciastro a sweetish; oversweet
dolcificante sugar substitute; sweetener
dolcificare vt to sweeten
dolcificazione sweetening
dolcino cake; – da te tea cake
dolciumi sweets; confectionery
domani tomorrow; sera di – tomorrow evening
domicilio home; consegne a- delivered to your home
dono gift; present dopo prep after, adv afterwards; ~domani the day after tomorrow; – di lei! after you!
doppiere two-branched candlestick
doppio (of whisky &c) double; a (of helping) double; (of coffee) double espresso
dosatore a (of scoop/jug &c) measuring
dose dose; amount; ~i measures; ingredients
droghieregrocer due a two
dura (of grain) durra duracina a(f) (of cherry) bigarreau; (of peach) cling (clingstone)
durare vi (of time) to last
durezza(of meat) toughness
duro a hard; firm; stiff; (of meat) tough; (of water) hard
durra (dura) nf (of grain sorghum) durra