Find the meaning of Italian food terms that you see in recipes and on our cooking courses in Tuscany
There are currently 84 names in this directory beginning with the letter V.
vacante a vacant vacanza nf holiday
vaccinara nf ox-tail stew
vagone ristorante nm restaurant car
valerianella nf cornsalad
valore nutritivo nm food value
valpolicella nf dry red wine
vasellame nm glassware; chinaware; crockery; tableware
vasetto nm pot; jar; jam-jar
vassoio nm tray; platter; (of cheese) board
vecchio a (of bread &c) stale; (of parmesan cheese) 2 years old cheese
vegetarianismo nm vegetarianism
vellutata di [ } nf (of soup) cream of [ ] velenoso ,a (of mushroom) poisonous"
vellutato a (of peach-skin &c) velvety
velo nm (of butter &c) dab
venatura nf (of blue cheese) vein
vendemmia nf grape-harvest
veneto a (of region) of Veneto
veneziana (alla) a from Venice; (of fish) white wine marinated; (of artichoke) stewed in olive oil/white wine; (of liver) onioned; (of fruit) caramelized
ventilazione nf ventilation
ventresca nf tuna underbelly
ventriglio nm gizzard; greengrocer
verde a (of colour) green; (of fruit) unripe, green; (of salad) green; (of tea) green
verdure nfpl vegetables; greens
vermicelli nmpl vermicelli
vermut (vermout) (vermouth) nm vermouth
versare vt to pour; to spill
verziere nm vegetable garden
vescia di lupo nf (of mushroom) puffball
vetro nm glass; ~ tagliato cut glass
vettovagliamento nm provisionment
vettovagliare vt to provision
vicentina (alla) a Vicenza; (of fish) onion/milk-stewed
viennese (alla) a (of meat) Wiener schnitzel
vietato fumare nm (of sign) no smoking
vinaccia nf (of grapes) marc
vinacciolo nm grape-stone
vinaigrette nf vinaigrette
vincentina (alla) a from Vicenza
vinicolo a wine-producing
vinosita nf vinosity; wine-liking
virginia nm (of cigarette) Virginia
virtu (le) nfpl the virtues; 1st May thin soup
visciola nf morello cherry
vitamina nf vitamin; povero di ~e low in vitamins; ricco di -e high in vitamins
vitarninizzato a with added vitamins
vitellone nm beef from young 1-3 year-old animal
vivaio nm (of fish/snails/oysters &c) farm
vizzo a (of fruit) shrivelled
vongola nf of mollusc,clam; -e (alle) clam/tomato-sauced"
vuotamele nm (of apple) corer
vuoto a empty; -i (of bottles) empties