rabboccarevt (of glass) to top up
raccoglibriciolenm (of cleaning) crumbs pan
raccoglierevt to harvest; to gather accolto (a) nm(f) harvest; crop; fasts dal -o harvest festival
raccomandatoa (of restaurant) recommended
raccomandazioneof (of restaurant) recommendation
racimolonm bunch of grapes
raddensamyntonm (of sauce) thickening
raddensarevt (of sauce) to thicken
radicchionm chicory variety; radicchio
radiceof root; ~ dolce liquorice
raffermoa (of bread) stale; hard
raffinarevt (of butter) to clarify; (of sugar) to refine
raffinatoa (of sugar &c) refined
raffreddarevt to cool; to chill; -si vi to cool down agazzo nm (of hotel) call-boy; lift boy nm rhubarb; rhubarbi ~
raggrumarevt (of sauce) to thicken; vi to become lumpy
raggrumatoa (of sauce) lumpy
rapprenderevt (of sauce &c) to thicken
rapprendersivi (of sauce &c) to thicken
rappresoa (of sauce) thickened; (of jelly) set; (of cream) clotted taro a scarce
rastrellieraof (of plates/ bottles) rack
ravazzataof pizza rolled with sausages inside
razzasea fish: skate; ray; – chiodata sea fish: thornback ray
reale a royal; germano – wild duck
reception(of restaurant) reception desk/area
recipientecontainer; – graduato measuring-jug
refettoriorefectory; dining hall; (of military) mess
refrigerareto refrigerate; to cool; to chill
reggianoa from Emilia Romagna
regina di cuori(of cocktail) sugar/curapao/anisette/angostura/marsala
regionalea (of speciality/wine) regional; of the area
registro dei clientivisitors-book
Reno rhine; vino del – Rhine wine; hock
restingere(of sauce) to reduce
retrogustoaftertaste; tang (of wine) length
rettangolarea rectangular
ribalta(of hinged-top table) leaf; flap
ribescurrant; – nero blackcurrant; – rosso redcurrant
ribollitared cabbage/bread/ bean soup (reboiled) °
ricavare(of essence) to extract
ricciohedgehog; – di mare sea urchin; a (of vegetable leaf &c) curly
ricettarecipe; libro di – cook-book
ricettariocook-book, recipe-book
ricevere(of guest) to greet; to receive; to entertain; to welcome
ricevimento(of party) reception; discorso di ~ welcome speech
ricolmoa piled high; heaped; overflowing
ricopertoa (of icing &c) covered-in; coated-with; nm choc-ice; stick-ice ricopertura nf (of icing &c) covering
ricoprireto cover; to top; to coat
ricotta (of cheese) ricotta; ewe’s milk cheese
ridurre (of sauce &c) to reduce; to boil down; to condense; to crush ridotto a concessionary
riduzionediscount; concession
rigato a (of decoration) striped; lined; ribbed
rigatoni tubed ribbed macaroni
rigovernare(of dishes) to wash-up
rigovernata (of dishes) washing-up
rigovernatura(of dishes) washing-up water; (of crockery) the washing-up
rimescolareto mix; to stir; (o,f, salad) to toss
rimescolata (of soup cooking &c) stir
rimpolpare (of poultry) to fatten-up
rinfrescante a (of drink) refreshing; cooling
rinfrescobuffet; (of wedding &c) reception
rinvenire(of dried food &c) to~, revive; to re-moisten
ripienostuffing; filling; dressing; a (of chocolate &c) soft-centred; (of cake) filled; (of meat &c) stuffed; cioccolatino – chocolate cream
riposareto leave standing; to set aside
riscaldamento centralizzato central heating
riscaldareto re-heat; to heat-up
riscaldatoa heated/warmed-up
risciacquare (of dishes) to rinse
risciacquata(of dishes) rinse
riscuotere (of cheque) to cash
riservatoa (of table) reserved
risi e bisi ham/peas risotto
riso rice; – integrale brown rice; – in bianco plain/ boiled rice; – alla cantonese egg-fried; – a chicchi corti short-grained rice; – a chicchi lunghi long-grained rice; – a chicchi tondeggianti pudding rice; – degli indiani wild rice; – pilaf pilau rice,
ristoranterestaurant; vagone – restaurant car
ristorare (of drink &c) to refresh
ristoratore (trice) restaurateur; restaurant owner
ristororefreshment; (of refreshment) bar; W to restore
ristrettoa concentrated; strong
risucchiare(of oysters) to swallow
ritaglio (of butcher’s) scrap
riutilizzabilea re-usable; non – throw-away
rivelatore(of fire/smoke &c) detector
riversare (of liquid) to pour
rivestito a (of sugar &c) coated; covered
rivoltare(of pancake &c) to turn over
robiola soft sweet goat or cow’s milk cheese
romagnoloa (of region) Emiglia Romagna
romanaa (f) (of lettuce) cos; alla – from Rome; (of fish) cream/spinach-garnished; (of artichokes) olive oil/garlic/ parsley-braised
rombo (of shape) diamond; lozenge; – candido sea fish: megrim (sail-fluke) (whiff);- chiodato sea-fish: turbot; – liscio sea-fish: brill
rompere(of eggs) to break; to crack
rondine (nido di) (of soup) birds-nest
rosaa (of colour) pink; -canina (of fruit) rosehip
rospo sea fish: angler-fish
rossoa red; (of egg) yolk; in – tomato-saUced
rotella(of pastry &c) cutting wheel
rotellewheel-shaped pasta
rotolo (of paper) roll; (of cake/chocolate &c) roll
rotondita(of whisky &c) smoothness; mellowness
rotondoa round; (of wine) rounded; smooth
rovesciareto spill; to overturn; to tip-out; to pour rubinetto rim tap
rucola(of vegetables) rocket
rumrum; – bianco white rum; – bruno dark rum