a bony nm/f guest; host; hostess; bathtowel; d’onore guest of honour
abbacchiarevt (of olives &c) to beat down (from tree)
abbacchio nm roast suckling lamb
abbigliamento nm dress; – (in)formale (in)formal dress
abboccatoa (of wine) mellow; smooth
abbondante a (of crop) plentiful; (of weight &c) full
abbondanzanf abundance; glut
abbrustolimentonm (of nuts &c) roasting
abbrustolirevt (of bread) to toast; (of meat) to grill; (of nuts) to roast
abbuffatanf (of food quantity)blowout
abitonm (of clothing) suit;
abramide nf river fish: bream
abruzzesea (of region) of Abruzzi
accantoa (of restaurant) local
accendino nm cigarette-lighter
accesso vietatonm no entry
accessorioa additional af:ciaccato a (of fruit &c) bruised
acciugata nf oil-cooked anchovy sauce
accoglientea (of host) welcoming
accogliere vt (of host) to receive; to welcome
accompagnamentonm (of dish) garnish; accompaniment
accompagnatoa (of dish) with 11
accontonm (of money) deposit
acerboa acerbic; (of fruit) unripe, green; (of wine) not ready
alcenm (of deer) elk; moose
alchechenginm strawberry tomato
alcina nf eland; antelope
alcolnm alcohol; – denaturato methylated spirits
alcolicitanm (of alcohol) proof
alcoliconm alcoholic drink; -ci spirits; a alcoholic
aleaticonm red wine variety
alimentarevt to feed; a alimentary; dietary
alimentaristanm/nf grocer; dietician
alimentonm aliment; – per lattanti (- per hambini piccoli) baby-food all’aperto a alfresco; outdoors
allarme antincendionm fire alarm
allattamentonm (of animal) suckling
allevamentonm farm; farming, raising; – industriale factory farm; – di pesci fish farm
allevarevt (of animal) to raise; to rear
allevatoa (of animals) reared; raised
allungarevt (of sauce &c) to dilute; to thin
alpestrenm alpine herb spirits; a alpine
alto a (of temperature &c) high alto mare a deep-sea
alzatanf (of cake &c) stand
amabilita nf (of alcohol) smoothness
amalgamarevt (of ingredients &c) to mix; to blend; to cream; to amalgamate; to assemble amanita nf (of mushroom) amanita
amarena : nf bitter cherry; morello cherry
amarettonm almond spirits; (of biscuit) macaroon
amaronm bitters; a bitter; sour; (of orange) bigarade; (of coffee) unsweetened
amarognoloa bitter-tasting
amatriciana nf pork/wined/ tomato-ed/chili-ed/onion-ed garnished
ambra grigia nf ambergris
ambrosia nf ambrosia ” americano a (of coffee) filter coffee
ammaccarevt (of fruit &c) to damage; to bruise ammaccato a (of fruit &c) damaged; bruised
ammaccatura nf (of fruit &c) blemish, imperfection
ammazzacaffe nm postprandial drink
ammetterevt (of entry) to admit
ammorbidire vt (of butter &c) to soften; (of meat) to tenderize
analcoliconm soft drink; a nonalcoholic
ananas nm pineapple; ananas
anatra (anitra)nf duck; – all’arancia duck a I’orange; – laccata (- pechinese) peking duck; ~ mandarina mandarin duck; – selvatica wild duck
anconetana anconetana : (all’) a of Ancona
andarevi (of dining) to go out
andatoa (of food) spoiled; ruined
anellini nmpl ring-shaped pasta; – rigati ringed ribbed pasta
angelo di marenm angelfish, monkfish; capelli d’angelo angel-hair pasta
angolonm angle; ~ del tovagliolo napkin; – cottura kitchenette; kitchen area
anice nm anise; aniseed; liquore all’- anisette; – stellato star anise
anicino nm aniseed biscuit; sugared aniseed
animale nm animal; – da allevamento farm animal; -i da cortile poultry
anisetta nf anise liqueur, anisette
annata nf year; (of wine) vintage; (of crop) harvest; vino d’~ vintage wine
annerire vi (of fruit) to turn black; (of silver) to tarnish
annullamento nm (of reservation) cancellation
annullare vt (of reservation) to cancel
anolini nmpl ring-shaped filled pasta
anoressante nm appetite suppressant
anteprandiale a anteprandial, before-meal
antialcolista nm/f teetotaller antilope
antincendio a fire-proof; porta -a fire-door; scala -a fire escape
antipasto nm starter, appetizer, hors d’oeuvre
aperitivo nm (of drink) aperitif; (of food) appetizer; – duomo (of cocktail) vermouth/cointreau/gin/maraschino
appagare vt to satisfy; (of thirst) to quench
apparecchiare vt (of table) to lay
appena fatto a (of coffee &c) freshly brewed
appendiabiti nm clothes hanger
appetitoso a appetizing; tasty; delicious; mouth-watering
apprezzare vt (of meal) to enjoy
apprezzato a (of meal) choice
apribottiglie nm bottle-opener
aprire vt (of bottle &c) to open
apriscatole nm tin-opener; can-opener
aquila di mare nf sea fish: eagle ray
arac nm arak (arack) spirits usu of coconut or rice
arachide nf peanut; groundnut
aragosta nf lobster; crayfish; langouste; – all’armoricana lobster with tomatoes/bacon; – Newburg lobster Newburg; brandy/sherry-sauced
arancia nf orange; – sanguinella blood-orange
arancino nm cheese/meat stuffed rice croquette
aria condizionata nf air conditioning
arigusta nf langouste; crayfish
aringa : nf herring; – affumicata kipper, bloater
arista nf roast pork loin
arnese nm (of kitchen) utensil
aroma nm aroma; flavouring; -i herbs; spice
aromatico a aromatic; erba -a herb
aromatizzante nm flavouring
aromatizzare vt to flavour aromatizzato a flavoured
arrabbiata (all’) a chili-sauced arrabiato a chili sauce
arricchire : vt to enrich
arricchito a enriched; fortified
arrivederci! nm good-bye!
arrivo nm arrival; orario d’ arrival time
arrostire vt to roast; – alla griglia (~ allo spiedo) to barbecue
arrotare vt (of knife) to sharpen
arrotino nm (of knife) sharpener
artesiano a (of well) artesian artigianale a hand-made; hand baked; traditional
ascensore nm lift; elevator
asciugabiancheria nm tumble dryer
asciugamano nm hand-towel asciugare vt (of dishes) to dry; to wipe
asciugatoio nm hand-towel asciugatore nm hand-dryer
asciugatrice nf tumble-dryer asciutto a dry
ascolana (all’) a breaded fried stuffed green olives
asiago nm skimmed cow’s milk cheese
asparagi nmpl asparagus; punta di – asparagus tip
asprezza nf (of fruit &c) sharpness
aspro a (of fruit &c) sharp
assaggiare vt to sample; to taste
assaggiatore di vino nm wine-taster
assaporare vt to savour; to relish; to enjoy; to taste
assegno nm (of money) cheque; check; carta -i cheque-card; – turistico traveller’s cheque
assorbente a absorbent; carta – kitchen-paper
assortimento nm assortment; array; spread; (of cheese) cheese-board
assortito a (of sweets &c) assorted; mixed; plentiful
assunzione nf consumption; intake
astaco nm freshwater crayfish
astemio a abstemious; teetotal; nm non-drinker
astenersi vi (of alcohol &c) to abstain
atrio nm (of hotel) lobby; hall
attaccapanni nm coat-rack attenti! excl care! warning! attenzione! exc/ care! warning!
attimo nm (of cooking) short time; few minutes
attrezzatura nf (of kitchen) equipment
attrezzo nm (of kitchen) utensils
audioleso a hard-of-hearing
aumentare vt (of oven heat &c) to increase; to turn-up
aurora (all’) a (of mushrooms) egg yolk/cheese/tomato sauced
autogrill® nm motorway cafe
autoparcheggio nm car park
autosilo nm multi-storey car park
autostazione nf coach-station
avana nf (of cigar) Havana
avannotto nm alevin; young fish, esp salmon
avanzo nm scraps; left-overs; -i offal
avariarsi vi (of meat &c) to go off
avena nf oats; fiocchi d’- oat flakes
avicoltura nf poultry-farming
avizzito a (of fruit &c) shrivelled-up
avocado nm avocado, alligator pear
avoirdupois nm avoirdupois
azuki nm aduki (adzuki) bean
azzimo a (of bread) unleavened
azzurro a (of colour) blue; squalo – blue-shark B