lagopodo (lagopode)ptarmigan
lamella(of mushroom) gill
lamponeraspberry; salsa di ~i Melba sauce
lampreda(of fish) lamprey; – flume (of fish) lampern
lardellareto lard; to interlard
largoa large; (of helping) generous
lasagnettelong flat crimped pasta
lasca freshwater fish: dace
lasciare (of food) to leave; to allow; (of umbrella &c) to leave behind
latte milk; – condensato condensed milk; – evaporato evaporated milk; – intero whole-milk, full-cream milk; -a lunga conservazione longlife milk; – omogeneizzato homogenized milk; – parzialmente scremato semi-skimmed milk; – pastorizzato pasteurized milk; –
latteoa milk; milky; farina -a baby’s cereal
lattosiolactose, milk-sugar
lattugalettuce; ~ cappuccina cabbage lettuce; ~ crespa curly lettuce; – romana cos lettuce
lattughella lamb’s lettuce
lavabiancheriawashing machine
lavandinokitchen sink; wash-basin
lavapiatti(of person) dishwasher
lavareto wash; – i piatti to wash-up
lavarellofreshwater fish: lavaret; houting
lavastoviglie(of machine) dishwasher
lavorareto work; (of dough) to knead
leccarda (of spit) drip-pan
leccatalick leccornia nf delicacy; tit-bit
lecitinaa milk legare vt (of poultry &c) to truss
leggerezza(of wine &c) lightness
leggeroa (of consistency) light; low-fat; thin; (of meal) light; snacky
legnawood; carbone di ~ charcoal
legumelegume; vegetable; pulse
legumiera(of crockery) vegetable dish
legumina (of protein) legumin
lenticchialentil lento a slow
leprehare; – in salmi jugged hare
leprottoleveret, young hare
lessare to boil lessato a boiled
letto(of sleep) bed; matrimoniale double-bed; -i gemelli twin beds
levare(of fruit skin) to peel
lezzino sea fish: marlin libare W to sup; to drink
liberoa (of table &c) free
libro di cucina (~ di ricette)cookery-book; ~ degli ospiti visitors-book
lievitare(of bread) to leaven
lievitatoa (of bread) leavened
lievitazione(of bread) leavening
lievitoyeast; – in polvere bakihg powder
lighta (of yoghurt &c) light
ligurea (of region) Ligurian; alla – (of fish) deep-fried cheese/herb/mushroom stuffed
limandasea fish: lemon sole
limpidoa (of wine &c) clear
limulohorseshoe crab; king crab
lingua (of meat) tongue; – di bue beefsteak mushroom; ox tongue; – di castagno mushroom: ‘chestnut tongue’
linguinettelong narrow flat pasta
liofilizzatoa freeze-dried
liquefareto melt; to thaw
liquefattoa melted; runny
liquidoa liquid; (of honey) clear; (of soup) consomme; (of sauce) runny
liquirizia(of confectionery) liquorice
liquoreliqueur; digestif; strong drink
liquoreriadistillery; liquor shop; off-licence
liquorosoa (of wine) fortified
lisca(of fish) bone; backbone
liscioa (of skin &c) smooth; (of alcohol &c) neat, straight; (of coffee) black
liscosoa (of fish &c) bony
lista(of shopping/prices &c) list; – degli invitate guest-list; – della spesa shopping-list; dei vini wine-list; – delle vivande menu
livornese (alla)a (of fish) tomato-sauced littorina : nf mollusc: winkle
lobster Thermidor lobster Thermidor; lobster mornay
localea (of speciality/wine) local; regional; of the area
locandatavern; inn; hostelry
lofioof sea fish: angler, frogfish, monkfish
lombardoa(of region) Lombard (Lombardic)
lombata(of meat) chine; loin; sirloin; backbone-containing joint
lombatina(of meat) small loin; small chine
lombosirloin, loin, chine, saddle; i due – del bue baron of beef, double sirloin lompo nm sea fish: lumpfish; uova di ~ lumpfish caviare
lucidare(of silver &c) to polish
luciopercafreshwater-fish: pikeperch
luganegagarlic pork sausage
lumacasnail; mollusc: slug; -e snail-shaped pasta
lumache rigatelarge shell-shaped pasta
lumachoni rigatishort hollow ribbed pasta
lunettacurved chopping knife
lungoa long; (of soup) thin; (of coffee) weak
lupino(of confectionery) lemon sweet
luzianidesea fish: red snapper