macchia(of tablecloth &c) stain
macchiare(of liquid) to add a dash to; (of tablecloth) to stain
macchiatoa (of coffee) with a dash of milk
macchina(of coffee/ice &c) machine; apparatus
macchinetta (of coffee/ice &c) machine; apparatus
macedonia di fruttafruit cocktail; fruit-salad
macelleria (of shop) butcher’s
macerareto macerate; to soak; (of meat &c) to marinate
maceratoa macerated; soaked; (of meat &c) marinated
macerazionemaceration; soaking
maceroa macerated; soaked
macinacaffecoffee-mill; coffee-grinder
macinare(of meat) to mince; (of coffee) to grind; (of corn) to grind; to crush
macinatoa (of pepper/coffee) ground; (of meat) minced
macinatoio(of pepper/coffee) grinder; (of meat) mincer
macinino (of pepper/coffee) grinder; (of meat) mincer
madera (of fortified wine) Madeira
madiacupboard; bin; bread bin
mafarkarice/coffee/lemon peql pudding
magagna(of fruit &c) blemish, imperfection
maggiorazione (of price) extra charge
magrezza (of meat) leanness
magroa (of meat) lean; (of bacon) back; low-fat; meagre; thin; fasting
maialino piglet; – da latte suckling pig
maionese (of sauce) mayonnaise
malacarne(of meat) cheap cut
malfatto cheese/spinach gnocchi; ravioli
maltagliatirough-cut pasta
mancanza scarcity; shortage
mancia(of service charge) tip
mandarino mandarin; tangerine; anatra -a mandarin duck
mandorlaalmond; kernel; crema (pasta) di -e frangipane; -e pelate blanched almonds
mandorlatoalmondincluding; almond/caramel cake
mangiabilea (of meal quality) edible
mangiare to eat; nm eating; cooking; food; da – cruda (of apple) eating
mangiatuttoa (of peas) mange-tout
manicaretto dainty; delicacy
manioca(of flour) cassava, manioc
mantecato a creamy; (of fish) in rich creamy sauce; cream of [ ] mantecare : vt to whisk; to whip
mantenersi(of food) to preserve; to keep
mantovanaalmond-dusted cake; alla – pumpkin-based
manualemanual; handbook; – di istruzioni (~ d’utilizzo) operating manual
mapo(of fruit) grapefruit clementine cross
Marche(of region) Marches
marcioa (of fruit &c) bad, rotten, off
maresea; frutti di – seafood; M- Adriatico Adriatic Sea; – Ionio Ionian Sea; M- Mediterraneo Mediterranean Sea; – Tirreno Tyrrhenian Sea
marenatamorello cherry syrup
marengo a (of chicken) Marengo; fried/tomatoed crayfish/egg-garnished; oil/ wine/garlic embellished
margarita margarita; lemon/ tequila cocktail
margherita a (of pizza) mozzarella/tomato/basilgarnished
marinara (alla) a lightly tomatosauced; (of fish) onion/garlic parsley-ed
marinare to marinate (marinade); to pickle
marinaroa seaside; seafooddressed; (of pizza) anchovy/ olive/tomato/caper-garnished
marinatoa marinaded; pickled; soused
marmellatajam; – di agrumi marmalade; sfogliatina alla ~ jam-puff
marmittaearthenware pot, casserole, stewing-pot marmorizzato a (of cake) ~a marble
marron glacemarron glace; crystallized chestnut
marsala(of fortified wine) Marsala
marsigliese (alla)a of Marseilles
martedi Tuesday; – grasso pancake day; Mardi Gras; Shrove Tuesday
marzaiola(of duck) garganey
mascarpone(mascherpone) nm soft fresh cow’s milk cream cheese
maschio cock; male bird; (of animal) buck; (of gamebird) blackcock; a (of gender) male
massaiahousewife; alla – simply cooked
matrimonio marriage; an,oiversario – wedding anniversary
mattonebrick; (of pizza) wood-fire-brick cooked
mattonella(of ice-cream) brick
maturarevUvi (of fruit) to ripen
maturatoa (of fruit) ripened; matured
maturoa mature; ripe; ready; aged; mellow
mazza di tamburo(of mushroom) parasol
mazzacuognoking prawn; imperial prawn
mazzancollaking prawn; imperial prawn
mazzo(of flowers/vegetables) bunch
medaglia (of excellence) medal
medaglioneround slice, medallion
medio a (of oven temperature &c) medium; moderate; average
megattera (of whale) humpback
megnesia effervescente aromatizzata sherbet
melaapple; – da cuocere (of apple) cooker; – cotogna quince; – granata pomegranate; – renetta pippin; – selvatica crab-apple
melanzanaaubergine; egg plant; – alla parmigiana parmesan/tomato-sauced
melarosa (of fruit) rose apple
mensa dining-room; canteen dining-hall; table; (of military) mess; mess-hall; buono – luncheon voucher
menta mint; (of confectionery) peppermint; – piperita peppermint; – Romana peppermint; – verde spearmint
mercatomarket; a buon – cheap; good value; – Comune Common Market; – coperto covered market; – ortofrutticolo fruit and vegetable market; – del pesce fish market; – rionale local market
mercolediWednesday; – delle ceneri Ash Wednesda~
meringata cream/meringue cake
merlango (merlano)whiting; – nero pollack; saithe; coley
merluzzocod; uova di ~ cod’s roe
mescere (of beer &c) to pour; to top-up
mescita wine shop; (of jug) pouring-out
mescitore (mescitrice) barman (barmaid)
mescolata(of salad &c) toss; stir
mescolatore(of equipment) blender
messicanoa Mexican; beef olive
mestolataladleful meta nf half
mestolo (mestola)ladle; scoop
mettere(of table) to lay; to set; to place
meuniere (alla)a cooked in butter/parsley/lemon
mezzaluna double-handled crescent chopping-knife
mezzo half; (of wine) half-litre; – bicchiere small bottle; – cotto half-cooked; -a pensione half-board; -a pinta half-pint
mezzogiornolunchtime; midday; noon; intervallo di – lunch-hour
mezzosangue(of animal) crossbreed
mielehoney; – in favi honeycomb
mieloso a sugary; honeyed mietere, vt to harvest
mietitura(of wheat) harvest
migliaccio black pudding; chestnut cake
milanese (alla) a (of meat) breaded; (of rice) saffroned; (of risotto) white wine/ parmesan/saffroned; cotoletta alla – wiener schnitzel
milk-shakemilk-shake; malted milk
millefoglie cream puff pastry
millesimatoa vintage; non – non-vintage
minestra soup; first course; ~ indiana al curry mulligatawny soup
mirtillo blueberry; whortleberry; bilberry; huckleberry; – rosso cranberry
miscela (of whisky &c) blend; mixture
miscelareto mix; to blend
miscelatorea mixing; blending
miscelaturamixing; blending
mischiareto mix; to blend
misoltinofreshwater fish: dried lake sardine
misticanza(of salad) wild/cultivated mix
mistoa (of grill/fruit &c) mixed
misurinomeasure; measuring-scoop; cocktail measure, jigger
mobile barcocktail cabinet
moccolo di candelacandle-end
modellareto shape; to mould
modulo(of kitchen furniture) unit; module
molecchasoft-shelled crab moka : nf mocha
molisanoa (of region) of Molise molle a doughy; soft
mollette(of ice/sugar) tongs; -o a slightly soft
mollicasoft part of bread; -¢ crumbs
molluschicolturamollusc farming
molluscomollusc, shellfish clam
mondare (of grain/nuts) to hull; (of fruit) to peel
mondatura(of fruit) peeling mondo a peeled
monetacoin; telefono a -e pay-phone
montare(of eggs) to beat; tc whip
montatoa (of cream) whipped
montonemutton; collo di – scrag-end
mora blackberry; mulberry
mora di rovoblackberry; – camemoro nf cloudberry
moromulberry; testa di – plain chocolate
mortadellamortadella; large spicy pork sausage
moscatomuscat; noce -a nutmeg
mostacciuoli moustache shaped biscuits
mostardafrench mustard; ~ di Cremona (of fruit) syrup ed pickled candies; – di frutta (of preserves) fruit mustard
mozzarellamozzarella; buffalo/cow’s milk cheese; ~ in carrozza bread/mozzarella fritter; – milanese cheese fried in eggs/bread crumbs
muggine comunesea fish: grey mullet
mugnaia (alla -)a parsley/butter/lemon-cooked; (a la) meuniere; miller’s wife method
multiplanoa (of carpark &c) multistorey
murenasea fish: moray eel
muscolobrawn; lean meat; muscle; mollusc: mussel