Find the meaning of Italian food terms that you see in recipes and on our cooking courses in Tuscany
There are currently 144 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
iceberga (of lettuce) iceberg
idroponicoa hydroponic ieri adv yesterday
imbandire(of table &c) to prepare
imbarilare(of wine &c) to barrel
imbianchire(of vegetables &c) to blanch
imbiondire (of butter &c) to lightly brown
imboccare(of baby) to spoon-feed
imbottare (of wine &c) to barrel
imbottire(of sandwich &c) to fill
imbottitoa filled; stuffed
imbrecciatalentil/chick-pea/haricot bean soup
imbutoa funnel immangiabile a uneatable, inedible
immergereto immerse in; to dunk
impanare (of cutlets &c) to bread
impanatoa (of cutlets &c) breaded
impanatura(of cutlets &c) breading
impasto pastry; batter; paste; dough; mixture; duff; – per frittelle pancake impazzire vi (of hollandaise &c) to separate; to curdle
impregnareto impregnate; to soak
impregnatoa impregnated; soaked
improvvisareto improvise; (of meal) to cobble together
inacetireto turn [ ] to vinegar
inacidire(of milk &c) to go sour; to go off
inasprirsi(of milk &c) to turn
incapsulamento (of bottle &c) capsulation
incassare (of cheque) to cash
incattivire(of fruit &c) to go off
incavo(of bowl/spoon) hollow
incorporareto mix; to blend; to whisk-in; to fold-in; to rub-in
incrocio(of breed) cross; crossbreed
incrostazione(of wine) crust; deposit; sediment
individualea (of portions &c) individual
indomani (I’) the day after
industria casearia dairy farming
inebriante a (of wine &c) heady
infarcire(of poultry &c) to stuff
infilareto string; to slide into
infilzare (of meat &c) to spike
infittire(of sauce &c) to thicken
informale a (of dress) informal
infornareto place [ ] in oven
infrangibilea unbreakable
infrollire(of game &c) to hang; to tenderize
infusione infusion; herbal tea
infusoinfusion; herbal tea
inglesea English; colazione all’- English breakfast; zuppa – (of dessert) trifle
ingozzareto swallow; to gulp down
ingrassamento(of animals) fattening
ingrassare (of animals) to fatten-up
ingredienteingredient; admixture
inossidabilestainless steel
inoxstainless steel; a (of steel) stainless
insaccareto make into sausage
insaccato salami; sausage
insalata salad; lettuce; cespo d’- head of lettuce; – iceberg iceberg lettuce; – di [patate] [potato] salad; – di mare seafood salad; – mista mixed salad; – russa Russian salad; – verde green salad; lettuce
insalatiera salad bowl; large bowl
insaporea tasteless; flavourless
insaporireto flavour; to season
inscatolareto can; to tin
inscatolatoa canned; tinned
insipidezza (of flavour) tastelessness
insipido a tasteless, insipid, bland
intagliatore(of person) carver
integralea wholemeal; (of ricei brown)
integratore alimentare (vitaminico)dietary (vitamin) supplement
intensita(of flavour &c) intensity; fullness; richness
intensoa (of flavour) full; rich
interno. (all’) a (of table position) indoor
interoa (of milk) whole; full cream
intervallodi mezzogiorno nm lunch-hour
intestinointestine; – crasso large intestine
intingolo sauce; appetising dish
intrattenitore entertainer
inumidireto dampen; to add a little liquid
invecchiare(of cheese/ wine) to age; to mature
invecchiatoa (of cheese/wine) mature; aged
invertitoa (of sugar) invert
invitoinvitation; invitation card
involtino (messicano)beef olive; ~ di (of meat) stuffed; – primavera stuffed meat roll; ham-stuffed veal slice
ipercaloricoa high-calorie
irrancidireto go rancid; to go off
ischiana (all’)a (of fish) olive oil/lemon/oregano baked
ispessimento(of sauce) thickening
ispessire(of sauce) to thicken
istantaneoa (of soup/coffee) instant
istruzioni operativeoperating instructions