facchino(of hotel &c) porter
fagianopheasant; – di monte black-grouse, heathcock; – di monte maschio blackcock
fagiolinofrench-bean; haricot bean; – mungo mung bean; – verde green bean; string-bean
fagiolobean; – americano (di Lima) butterbean; ~ bianco haricot bean, navy bean; – coll’occhio blackeyed bean; – rosso kidney bean; – di Spagna runner bean; – verde French bean
fainathick chick-pea pancake
falernored or white dry wine
farciafarce; stuffing; filling; dressing
farcireto farce; to stuff
farciturafilling; stuffing
fareto do; to cook; to prepare; to make; (of cocktails) to mix
farinaflour; – di avena oatmeal; – di frumento wheat flour; – gialla cornmeal; – di glutine gluten flour; – di grano duro durum-wheat flour; ~ fine di granturco cornflour; – di granturco (~ gialla) wheat flour; – integrale wholewheat flour;
fascio(of vegetables) bunch
fasoeilal fiarn nm baked baconed/herbed red haricot beans; beans in the oven
fattoa made; – in casa home made
fattorino(of hotel) call-boy; page-boy; delivery-boy
favettarum bean-shaped sweet
fazzolettohandkerchief; tissue
febbraioFebruary fecola nf flour; starch
fegatino(of chicken) liver
fegatoliver; a – alla veneziana (- alla veneta) fine-cut/onioned
feguntaolive oiled/garlic-ed/ salted toasted bread
femminafemale; (of hare &c) doe; (of bird) hen feriale a weekday
fermare(of reservation) to book
fermentareto brew; to ferment; (of bread) to rise
fermentomalt-liquor froth; yeast; barm
fermoa (of egg white &c) stiff
ferruginosoa (of water) ironcontaining
festaparty; holiday; feast; feast-day; birthday; saint’s day; celebration; carnival; – d’addio leaving/farewell party; ~ con alcolici drinks party; – della birra beer festival; – di compleanno birthday party; ~ nazionale national holiday fesa : nf (of meat) rump; topside
festeggiareto party; to celebrate
festeggiatoguest of honour
festicciolachildren’s teaparty
fetta(of bacon) rasher; (of bread) slice; piece; (of toast) round; (of cheese) feta; salty ewe’s milk cheese
fettinathin/small slice; sliver; (of meat) minute-steak; cutlet; (of lemon) wedge
fettucellelong strip spaghetti
fiamma(of fire) flame; alla ~ flambe
fiammeggiareto flambe; to flame; to singe
fiammifero(of fire) match
fiaschetteriawine merchant’s
fibrositafibrous-ness; stringiness
fibrosoa (of meat) sinewy; stringy
ficofig; – d’India prickly pear; -chi mandorlati dried figs
filacciosoa (of meat) stringy
filamento(of old vegetables) string
filatoa (of sugar) spun; zucchero – candyfloss
filettofillet; tenderloin; (of meat/fish) steak
filo(of cheese cutting) wire; (of knife) cutting-edge; (of liquid sugar &c) drizzle, trickle; (of french beans) string
filoncino(of bread) small baguette
filtrare(of coffee) to filter, to percolate; to strain; to sieve
filtro(of coffee/cigarette) filter; strainer
finanzieramarsala-ed mushroom/pickles/offal/chicken livers
finea (of layer/spray/powder) fine; (of produce) high-quality
finoa (of salt) table; (of sugar &c) fine-grained
finocchiofennel; semi di – fennel seeds
finocchionafenneled coarse-cut-pork salami
fiocco(of breakfast cereal) flake; (of rating) rosette; star; fresco in -hi (of cheese) cottage
fiordilatte(fior di latte) nm mozzarella-type cow’s milk cheese; sugar/milk/cream flavouring
fiorentina(of steak) grilled T bone; a alla – florentine; spinached; (of tripe) oregano or marjoram tomato-sauced
fischione(of duck) wigeon
fishand chips nm fish and chips
fissareto reserve; to book
flambareto flambe; to flame
focacciacake; herbed flat bread; flat cake
focaccinabun; small cake; scone; crumpet
foglialeaf; ~ d’alloro bay leaf
foglioleaf; sheet; – di alluminio silver foil, kitchen foil
fondentefondant; (of chocolate) plain; melting
fondo(of saucepan &c) bottom; (of pastry) pastry case; base; (of wine) lees, sediment
fondutafondue; – alla parmigiana from Parma; white-truffled sliced and grated parmesan cheese bake
fontanadrinking fountain; (of water) well
fontanelladrinking fountain
fontinasoft gruyere-type cow’s milk cheese
forchettafork; – da scalco carving fork
forestaforest; torta della F- Nera black forest gateau
forma mould; shape; (of bread) loaf; slice; (of cheese) round
formagginoprocessed cheese; soft cheese
formaggiocheese; – cremoso cream-cheese; – molle (- morbido) soft cheese; ~ di capra goat’s milk cheese; – molle soft cheese; – di pecora ewe’s milk cheese; – parmigiano Parmesan cheese; quattro -i four cheeses (provolone/ gruyere/belpaese/parmesan); – di soya
formalea (of reception) formal
formina(of jelly) mould; shape
fornelletto(of appliance) camp-stove
fornello(of appliance) cooker; stove; (of cooker) ring
fornitoredi cibo nm caterer
fornooven; – di campagna country oven; – di riscaldo warm oven
fortea (of drink) strong; (of taste) sharp; strong; (of whisky) hard; potent; (of food) spicy; (of curry) hot
forza(of alcohol) strength
fragilea fragile; breakable