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There are currently 46 names in this directory beginning with the letter O.
oca goose occhiata of (of fish) saddled bream
occhioeye; (of potato) eye; all’ di bue (of fried egg) sunny side up
occupato a (of WC/telephone &c) engaged
odore (of cooking) odour; smell; (of flowers) scent
of quantity of quality; grade
offertaspeciale of special offer oggi adv today
olandesea Dutch; (of cheese) Edam
oleatoa greaseproof oleosita of oiliness; greasiness oliera of cruet
olio oil; – da tavola salad oil; – vegetale vegetable oil; extra-vergine extra-virgin olive oil
oliva (uliva) of olive; – nera black olive; ~ verde green olive oloturia of sea-cucumber; beche-de-mer
ombrellino (of table) sunshade
ombrellone(of table) sunshade ombrina of sea fish: bass variety omelette of omelette
omogeneizzareto homogenize omogeneizzato a (of milk) homogenized
omogeneoa (of sauce) smooth oncia of (of weight) ounce ora of hour; time; – di [cena] [supper] time; – di punta peak time; rush-hour orata of sea fish: sea bream; gilthead bream
ordinare (of meal) to order
ordinarioa (of rice) short/round, pudding
ordine (of restaurant) order orecchia of mollusc: abalone; ear
orecchiettelittle ear shaped pasta
orecchioear; ~ di guida (of mushroom) jew’s ear
origano oregano origine of
ortaggiovegetable; -i vegetables; greens ortica of stinging-nettle
ortofrutticoloa fruit-and vegetable
ortolanoortolan; bunting; greengrocer
ortomercatofruit and vegetable market orzata of barley-water
orzo barley; infuso d’ barley water; – perlato pearl barley; zucchero d’- barley sugar
ospitareto receive; to entertain; to accommodate
ossobone; con I’~ (senza I’-) (of meat) on (off) the bone
ossobuco marrowbone; shireof veal; wine/tomatoed meat-on-the-bone osteria of tavern; inn; hostelry ostrica of oyster; stuzzichino di ~che angels on horseback; bacon wrapped oysters on toast
ouzoouzo; Greek aniseed spirits
ovarina (of poultry) unlaid egg
ovolo(of mushroom) royal agaric; Caesar’s mushroom
ovotarica (bottarga) (buttariga) (butarega)botargo; mullet/tuna-roe relish