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There are currently 70 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.
ebollizioneboiling; lenta – simmer
eccessoglut; excess; surplus
eccitare(of. appetite) to whet economicamente a’° economically
edulea (of mushroom &c) edible
effervescentea fizzy; effervescent
effervescenzafizziness; effervescence
elettrodomesticodomestic appliance
emidide(of turtle) terrapin
emilianoa (of region) Emilian’
enologia(of wine) oenology
enotecawine-merchant’s; vintage stocks
enotecnico(of person) wine-maker
entreeentree; main course
erbaherb; – aromatica herb; ~e aromatiche mixed herbs; – cipollina chive; shallot; – medica alfalfa
erbazzonespinach/cheese tart
esagerare(of salt &c) to put too much of; overdo
esaltare(of flavour) to enhance; to bring-out
esaminareto inspect; to check
esclusivoa exclusive; smart; posh
esclusoa excepted; servizio – service not included
esentasse (esente da dazio)a tax-free
esocetosea fish: flying ‘:fish
esofagooesophagus; gullet
esoticoa exotic espresso nm (of coffee) espresso
essenzaessence; oil of [] essenziale a (of oil) essential essiccare vt to dry
essiccatoa (of fruit &c) dried; carne -a al sole jerked meat; charqui
esternoa (of table/WC) outside
estinguere(of thirst) to quench; to slake
estintore (of fire &c) extinguisher
estrarreto extract; to distil
estratto(of malt &c) extract
etichetta(of jar) label; etiquette
eviscerare(of fowl) to draw
extraverginea (of olive oil) extra-virgin