Find the meaning of Italian food terms that you see in recipes and on our cooking courses in Tuscany
There are currently 112 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
tabella nf (of prices &c) list
tacchinotto nm young turkey
taccola nf (of peas) mangetout
tacconi nmpl small square flat pasta
tagliapasta nm pastry-cutter
tagliasigari nm cigar-cutter
tagliata nf herbed grilled rib of beef
tagliatelle nfpl tagliatelle; noodles; strip-pasta
tagliatore nm (of joint) carver
tagliente a (of knife) sharp
tagliere nm breadboard; board; chopping-board
taglierini nmpl thin noodles; thin pasta strips
taglio nm (of wine) blending; (of meat) cut; joint; (of cake) slice
tagliolini nmpl thin noodles
tagliuzzare vt to mince; to chop
tahina nf tahina,sesame-seed paste"
take-away nm (of restaurant) take-away
tangelo nm (of citrus fruit) ugli
tappare vt (of bottle) to cork-up
tappo nm (of bottle) cork; top; stopper; cap; di ~ (of wine) corked; ~ a corona crown cap
tarallo (taralluccio) nm sweet or savoury pretzel
tardivo a (of crop variety) late cropping
tariffario nm tariff; price list
tarpone nm sea fish,tarpon"
tartara a(f) (of sauce) tartar; carne -a steak tartare
tartarico a (of acid) tartaric
tartina nf canape; open sandwich
tasca nf (of decoration) piping bag; (of gamebird) sac
tassista nm/f taxi-driver
tavoletta nf (of chocolate) bar,slab"
tavolino nm table; ~ pieghevole folding table
tazza nf bowl; cup; mug; cupful; basin; WC bowl
tazzone (tazzona nf) nm cup,mug"
tegame nm saucepan; baking pan; stewing-pot
tegamino (al) a (of fried egg) over easy
telefonare vi to telephone
telefonata nf (of telephone) call
telefonino nm (of telephone) mobile
televisione nf television
tellina nf mussel (Florence); clam
tema nf (of restaurant &c) theme
temolo nm migratory fish,grayling"
tempia nf (of pig) headmeat
tenaglia nf tongs; (of crab) pincer
tendone nm (of refreshments) tent; marquee
tenerello a very tender; very soft
tenerezza nf (of meat) tenderness
tenerizzatore nm tenderizer
tenero a (of meat) tender
tenerume nm (of meat) gristle
tenore nm (of high/low alcohol) content
tenue nm (of wine) not strong
termometro nm thermometer
terracotta nf terracotta; earthenware
terrina nf terrine; large earthenware pot
testicoli di vitello nmpl prairie oyster
tiepido a tepid; lukewarm; (of temperature) mild
tiglioso a (of meat) tough; stringy
timer nm (of clock) timer
timo nm thyme; rametto di ~ sprig of thyme
tinca nf freshwater fish,tench"
tintinnare vi (of glasses) to chink
tintinnio nm (of glasses) chink
tiramisia nm tiramisu; cheesed/chocolated/liqueured sponge cake
tirare vt (of pastry) to roll out; (of bottle) to uncork;
tisana nf tisane; herbal tea
tisaniera nf tisane tea-pot
toast nm toasted ham/cheese sandwich
tocco nm piece; bit; chunk; (of cake) to crown
toilette nf toilet; WC; cloakroom
trituratore nm grinder; chopper
trivella nf (of cheese &c) taster
trofie nfpl short thin twisted pasta
tropicale a (of fish/fruit) tropical
troppo a too much; too many; too
turacciolo nm (of bottle) cork; stopper
turare nm (of bottle) to cork