pacchetto(of cigarette/ coffee &c) packet; bag
padovana (alla)a from Padua
padronaproprietress; hostess
paesana (alla) a countryside; (of cooking simplicity) country
pagellosea fish: sea bream; – occhialone red sea bream
pagliasauced tagliatelle varieties; – e fino white & green noodles; (of poultry &c) stuffing
paglierinocow’s milk cheese
pagnottaloaf; – a fette sliced loaf; – integrale bran loaf
paiopair; (of game) brace
palamitasea fish: small tunny
palettascoop; spatula; slice
palla(of ice-cream &c) ball; scoop pallina, (of ice-cream &c) ball; scoop
palmapalm; cuori di – palm hearts
palombacciowood pigeon; ring-neck dove
palombosea fish: smooth hound shark; (of bird) pigeon
pan di Spagnasponge cake; angel cake
pan di zucchero sugar-loaf
pancetta pork underbelly; ~ affumicata nf bacon
pancottoherb-breaded soup
panetto(of butter) pat; small loaf; roll; cake
panettonespicy sultana-ed brioche
panfortespiced/nutted cake/sweet
pangrattatobreadcrumbs; wheatmeal bread
paninobread-roll; sandwich; – dolce bun; – gigante hero sandwich; – soffice bap
pannacream; ~ acida sour cream; – cotta cream/sugar pudding; – di cucina cooking cream; – fiquida single cream; ~ da montare whipping cream; ~ montata whipped cream; – del latte floret
panneronewhite gorgonzola cheese
pannocchia(of maize) cob; (of corn) ear; mantis shrimp
panpepatospiced/nutty/fruity cake
pantrito egg/cheese/breadcrumbed broth
panzanella herbed/tomatoed hard bread
panzerottocheesed or jam-ed ravioli
papero (-a) goose; gosling
pappa(of vegetables) mush; pulp; – reale royal jelly; baby food
pappardellenoodle egg pasta
pappetta(of vegetables) mush
pappina(of vegetables) mush
paramosche(of food) flycover
parcheggiatoreparking attendant
parcheggiocar-park; parking plot
parigina (alla)a from Paris
parmigianaParmesan cheese; cheesed/tomatoed baked-aubergine
parmigiano (of cheese) Parmesan
PasquaEaster; uovo di – easter-egg
pasqualina (alla) a (of tart) spinach-ed
passareto mash; to mince; to whisk; (of coffee) to filter
passatelliparmesan/nutmeg pasta soup
passavivandeservice hatch
passerasparrow; – di mare sea fish: flounder; plaice
passione (frutta della) passion-fruit
pastapastry; paste; dough; duff; – brise (of pastry) shortcrust; – chou choux pastry; – fresca fresh pasta; – frolla short pastry; ~ sfoglia puff (flaky) pastry; a – gialla (of potatoes &c) waxy, – nera squid ink pasta; – all’uovo egg-enriched pasta; – verd
pasta d d’acciugheanchovy paste
pastafrollashort-pastry; biscotto di – shortbread
pastasciutta(of oven-bake~ pasta
pasteggiare (of lobster &c) to dine on
pastella(of frying) batter
pasticca sweet; pastille; lozenge
pasticceria patisserie; cioccolato per – cooking chocolate
pasticcino(of small cake) pastry; A patisseries; confectionery
pasticcio(of meat/fish) pie pate; pasty; shape; (of fish) fishcake
pastificare(of pasta) to make pasta
pastificio(of retailer) pasta-shop
pastina(of soup)-small past
pastinacaparsnip; sea fish: stingray
pastomeal; buono – (buono mensa) luncheon voucher; – completo square meal; – leggero snack; vino da – table wine
pastorellabel paese-like cheese
pastorizzareto pasteurize
pastorizzatoa pasteurized
pastosita (of consistency) smoothness; (of wine) mellowness
pastosoa (of taste) doughy; (of wine) mellow
patata potato; – americana (_ dolce) sweet potato; -e farinose floury potatoes; -e fritte chips, french fries; ~e al forno baked potatoes; roast potatoes; ~e lesse boiled potatoes; ~e novelle new potatoes; pure di -e mashed potatoes
patatine frittechips; french fries; crisps
pattumiera rubbish-bin; trashcan
pausa(of lunch/coffee &c) break toast/Parmesaned broth
pavesea from Pavia; raw-egg/
pecorasheep; ewe; formaggio di ~ ewe’s milk cheese
pecorinohard ewe’s milk cheese; – pepato peppered hard ewe’s milk cheese
pelame(of animal) hair; fur
pelareto skin; to peel; to scrape; (of fowl) to pluck
pelaticanned peeled tomatoes
pelato a, peeled; (of almonds &c) blanched
pelaturapeeling; skinning
pelleskin; peel; rind; peeling pellicola
pelo (of animal) hair; fur
pennello(of pastry) brush
pennette rigatishort hollow ribbed pasta
pensionante(of B&B) guest
pensioneinn; tavern; (of accommodation) board; – completa full-board; mezza ~ half-board; guesthouse; B&B
pentolapan; pot; casserole
pentolinosmall pan; (of pan) poacher
pepatoa peppered; peppery
pepe(of seasoning) pepper; ~ di Caienna cayenne pepper; – in grani peppercorns
peperatabone-marrow/parmesan sauce
peperonata(of dish) peppers/onions/tomatoes oil cooked
peperoncinochili; hot pepper; – rosso nm chili pepper
peperonesweet pepper; – rosso red pepper; – verde green pepper
pepierapepperpot pera nf pear
perca di maresea fish: seaperch
pernicepartridge; – bianca ptarmigan
pernottamentoovernight accommodation; – e prima colazione B&B
peropear tree; – delle Indie guava tree
persicoa Persian; ~ sole sea fish: sunfish; pesce – freshwater bass; perch; – trota largemouth bass
personale staff; employees; riservato al – (of sign) staff only; a (of portion &c) individual
perugina (alla)a from Perugia
pesante a (of weight/wine &c) heavy
pesantezza (of weight/wine &c) heaviness
pescapeach; – duracina clingstone peach; – gialla yellow peach; – Melba peach melba; – nettarina (- noce) nectarine
pescatora (alla)a fish sauce/ fish-garnished
pescatricesea fish: monkfish, angler-fish, frogfish
pescefish; – d’acqua dolce freshwater fish; – ago sea fish: needle-fish; garfish; – angelo sea fish: angel-fish; monkfish; – azzurro sea fish mackerel; sardine; anchovies; – barometro freshwater fish: loach; – cappone sea fish: scorpion fish; – chitarra sea
pescecanesea fish: dogfish
pescespadasea fish: swordfish
pescheria (of shop) fishmonger’s
pesciaiolafish-kettle; (of pan) poacher
pesciera fish-kettle; (of pan) poacher
pesciolinida frittura nm fried small-fry
pestareto grind; to crush
pestopine nut/garlic/ cheese/basil/oil sauce
pettine scallop; conchiglia di – scallop-shell
petto (of chicken &c) breast; punta di – brisket
pezzetto : nm piece; bit; morsel; scrap; collop
pezzo : nm piece; bit; chunk; scrap; (of meat) cut; (of soap) cake; tagliare a -i (of poultry) to joint; – forte piece de resistance; masterpiecepiece; bit; chunk; scrap; (of meat) cut; (of soap) cake; tagliare a -i (of poultry) to joint; – forte piece de resistance; masterpiece
piacentina (alla) :a from Piacenza
piada (piadina)flat unleavened bread
pianosurface; worksurface; hob; (of storey) floor; ~ rialzato mezzanine floor; a flat; level
piantine (of carrot &c) top
piastragriddle; hotplate; ring
piattaia cupboard; plate-rack
piattinosaucer; (of butter) dish; plate; small plate; teaplate; delicacy
piattoa (of surface) flat; smooth; nm plate; dish; plateful; serving-dish; main course; nmpl crockery; – caldo hot dish; – di carta paper plate; – fondo soupplate; ~ forte main course; – freddo cold dish; – piano dinner-plate; ~ di portata serving dish; – princ
piccarda (alla)a from Picardy piccata of lemon/parsley fried veal
picciolostalk; (of fruit &c) shell; hull
piccioncinoyoung pigeon piccione nm pigeon
piccolo(of buffalo &c) calf; a small
piemontesePiedmontese; alla – (of peppers) baked garlic/tomato/anchovy-stuffed; (of peaches) amaretti biscuitstuffed white-wined
pienoa (of restaurant/glass/ stomach) full; nm (of season) height pietanza of dish
pigiare(of grapes) to tread pigiatrice of wine-press pigiatura of (of wine grapes) treading
pignolo pine kernel; pine nut
pilare(of rice) to husk pilatura of (of rice) husking
pinguinochoc-ice pinna of (of fish) fin; mollusc: pinna; – caudate tail-fin pinoccata of pine-nut macaroon
pinolopine kernel pinta of pint; pint glass
pinzimonio(of dip) vinaigrette piovra of octopus pipa of pipe
pipe regateshort curved hollow pasta piramide of pyramid pirofila of ovenproof dish pirofilo a ovenproof; heat resistant
pirottinopaper pastry-case piscina of swimming-pool
pisellopea; – gigante marrowfat pea; mangiatutto mangetout; -i secchi split-peas
pistacchiopistachio piuma of feather
piviere plover pizza of pizza; pie; – alla casalinga anchovy/tomato/origano/cheesed pastry pizza; alla francescana ham/mushroom/tomato/cheese pizza; – napoletana anchovy/mozzarella/basil-ed pizza; rustica bechamel-ed ham/cheese/egg pizza
pizzaiolopizza-maker; alla -a richly tomato/oil/garlic/ oregano-sauced pizzeria of pizzeria pizzetta of small pizza pizzicheria of grocer
pizzichino a (of drink) fizzy; (of food) hot
pizzico (of salt &c) pinch; sprinkling
placare(of hunger) to satisfy; (of thirst) to quench; to slake placca of roasting tin platessa of sea fish: flounder; plaice
plum cakeplum cake pochette of sponge-bag
poco a little polenta of maize porridge
poliochicken; fowl; d’allevamento battery hen; arrosto roaster; – novello spring chicken
polipooctopus polla of (of water) spring
pollamefowl; poultry pollastra of pullet pollastrella of pullet
pollastrinopullet pollastro rim chicken polleria of poultry-shop pollezzola of (of carrot &c) top
pollastrospring chicken; cockerel
polpa of (of meat) lean meat; (of fruit) flesh; – di granchio crab-meat
polpettaof (of meat) meatball; rissole; (of fish) fishcake
polpettinaof (of meat) small flat rissole
polpettonemeatloaf; meat roll
polpo octopus; sea-fish: devilfish
polposoa (of fruit) fleshy; (of meat) meaty
poltigliaof (of vegetables) mush; pulp
polvere of powder; in powdered; dried
polverizzare(of cakes &c) to powder; to sprinkle with
pomodoro(pomidoro) nm tomato; – ciliegino cherry tomato; -i da sugo sauce tomatoes
pompelmo(of citrus fruit) grapefruit; shaddock; pomelo; rosa pink grapefruit
poplettaof small meat rissole
proseccodry white wine proteins of protein
provareto try; to test; to sample; to taste
provenienzaof (of wine region &c) origin
provenzale (ally)a Provengal; oil/vinegar/tomato-ed
provola of buffalo/cow’s milk cheese; – di pecora ewe’s milk cheese
provolonehard buffalo or cow’s milk cheese
provvisteprovisions; food
prugnaof plum; ~ regina claudia greengage; – sects prune
puddingpudding; – di Natale Christmas pudding
pugliesea (of region) Apulian; from Puglia pula of husks; chaff
pulire(of fowl/greens/fish &c) to clean; to dress; to gut
pulitoa (of dishes &c) clean
pungentea (of smell) sour punts of (of asparagus) tip; – di petto brisket
puntopoint; ~ di assemblaggio assembly point; – di ebollizione boilingpoint; ~ di congelamento freezing-point
punzecchiareto prick; to puncture
pureof puree; paste; (of potatoes) mash; (of peas) mushy
putizaof (of pudding) nut/raisinil rum roll
puttanesca (ally)a spicy ‘, anchovy/tomato/olives/capers.j sauced
puzza (di) of (of cooking) smell’ (of) ‘