sacco nm sack; bag; pranzo al ~ pack-lunch
saggiavino nm (of cup) winetaster,tastevin
salacca nf sea fish,shad"
salamella nf small salami
salamoia nf brine,pickle"
salare vt to cure; to salt
salatino nm small savoury,appetizer; cocktail biscuit"
salato a salted; salty; savoury
salmerino nm (of trout) charr
salmonato a salmon; trota -a salmon trout
salsapariglia nf sarsaparilla
salsicciotto nm frankfurter
salsiera nf sauce-boat; gravy boat
salsina nf (of nibbles) dip
saltare vt to saute; to stir-fry; (of pancake) to toss
salumeria nf delicatessen; sausage shop
salumi nmpl cooked cold meats
salumiere nm cooked cold meats seller
salute! (alla) nf cheers!
sambuco nm (of tree/wine) elder
samosa nm samosa; triangular stuffed pastry
San Marzano nm plum tomato
sanguinaccio nm black pudding
sanguinello nm blood-orange
sanguinolento a (of steak) rare; underdone
sano a (of fruit &c) in good condition
santoreggia nf (of herb) savory
sapa nf concentrated must
sapere vi to taste; to savour
saponetta nf (of soap) cake
saporito a flavoursome; tasty; savoury
saporoso a tasty; savoury
saraceno (grano) a buckwheat
sardina nf sardine; pilchard; sardelle
sartu nm giblets/tomato/parmesan/breadcrumbed rice bake
sassafrasso nm (of tea) sassafras
satureia nf (of herb) savory
saute a saute; stir-fried
savoiardo nm sponge-finger; ladyfinger
sbattere vt to mix; to beat; to whisk
sbattitore nm mixer; beater
sbattiuova nf egg-whisk; egg beater
sbattuta nf (of eggs &c) beating
sbattuto nm (of eggs &c) beaten
sboccare vt (of wine cork flotsam) to remove
sbocconcellare vt (of food) to pick at; to nibble
sbollgntare vt to blanch; to parboil
sbollire vi to go off the boil
sbramare vt (of rice) to hull
sbriciolare vt (of biscuits &c) to crumble
sbrinamento nm (of freezer) defrosting
sbrinare vt (of freezer) to defrost
sbrinatore nm (of fridge) defroster
sbucciapatate nm potato peeler
sbucpiare vt to peel; to skin
sbudellare vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill
sbuzzare vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill
scadenza (data di) nf expiry date; sell-by date
scadere vi to go past sell-by date
scaduto a off; stale; bad; overdate
scaglia nf (of almond &c) flake
scagliare vt (of fish) to scale; to flake
scaglioso a scaly; flaky scala nf stairs
scaldabiberon nm bottle warmer
scaldapiatti nm hotplate; dishwarmer
scaldare vt to heat; to warm
scaldarsi vi to heat up; to heat through
scaldavivande nm chafingdish; hotplate; dishwarmer
scaloppina nf escalope; thin veal slice; ~e alla perugina (of veal) chicken liver/croQtons-garnished
scampo nm Dublin Bay prawn; scampi
scappato a (of skewered meat) barbecued
scappellare vt (of mushroom) to remove cap
scardola nf freshwater fish,rudd"
scarnire vt (of bone) to remove flesh
scarpetta nf (of plate cleaning) mop of bread
scarpino rim fried onion/anchovy paste
scarsezza nf scarcity; shortage
scarsita nf scarcity; shortage
scarti nmpl scraps; offal
scartozeto nm creamed small batter pudding
scatoletta nf small box; small tin; small can
scegliere vt (of eggs &c) to grade; to select; to choose
scelta nf (of option/quality) choice
scelto a (of meat) choice
scheggia nf (of glass &c) chip
scheggiare vt (of glass &c) to chip
schiaccianoci nm nutcrackers
schiacciapatate nm potato masher
schiacciare vt (of nuts) to crack; (of tube &c) to squeeze; to mash; (of fruit) to crush
schiacciata nf regional flat cake/bread
schiacciato a flat; (of garlic &c) crushed
schiarire vt (of beer) to fine
schiaritura nf (of brewing) fining
schienale nm (of animal) bone marrow
schinco nm (of veal) whole shin
schiuma nf (of drinks) froth
schiumare vt`to make frothy; to de-froth; to de-scum
schiumoso a (of drinks) frothy
schizzo nm (of milk &c quantity) dash; splash
sciacquare vt (of dishes &c) to rinse
sciacquata nf (of dishes &c) rinse
sciacquatura nf (of dishes &c) dishwater
sciadocco nm (of citrus fruit) shaddock
sciapo a (of savour) tasteless
sciogliere vt to dissolve; to melt
sciula piena nf stuffed onion
scoglio (allo) a (of platter) mixed seafood
scolabottiglie nm bottle drainer
scolainsalata nm salad-shaker
scolapiatti rim plate-rack
scolare vt to strain; to drain
scombro nm sea fish,mackerel"
scomparto nm (of fridge) compartment
scongelare vt (of food) to defrost
sconsigliato a not recommended
sconto rim discount; concession
scontrino rim (of cloakroom) ticket; receipt
scopa nf (of brush) broom
scorpena nf peel; rind; peeling
scorpenode nf sea fish,scorpion fish"
scorza nf peel; rind; peeling
scorzonera dolce nf (of root vegetable) salsify; scorzonera
scotch rim (of whisky) scotch
scottare vt to blanch; to parboil
scottato a blanched; parboiled
scotto a overcooked,overdone"
scovolino nm bottle-brush
scozzese a (of whisky) scotch
scremare vt to cream-off; to skim
scremato a skimmed; low-fat
screwdriver nm screwdriver,vodka/orange cocktail"
scrocchiare vi (of biscuit &c) to crumble; to crunch
scrollare vt (of bottle) to shake
scultore nm (of person) carver
scuola nf (of cookery) school
scuotere vtr agitate; to shake
scuro a dark; (of beer) stout; brown ale; abito ~ black tie; formal dress; suits
seccare vt to cure; to dry
secchiello nm (of ice) bucket; (of wine) cooler
seconda scelta (di) nf (of meat cuts &c) cheap
sedare vt (of thirst/hunger) to quench; to assuage
sedere vi (of table &c) to sit down
sedersi vi (of table &c) to sit down; (of souffle) to collapse
sedia nf dining-room chair; -a rotelle wheelchair
sedile nm long soft wall-seat
sego nm suet; (of candles) tallow
segreteria telefonica nf answer machine sei adv six
self-service nm self-service
sella nf (of lamb &c) saddle
selvaggina nf (of wild) game
selvatico a wild; cipollmela -a crab-apple; susina -a damson; (of smell) gamy
seme nm seed; stone; pip; (of cocoa) bean; senza -i seedless
semifino nm rice for soups
semifreddo nm (of need to keep cold) cake; pudding
semolato a (of sugar)caster
senape nf mustard; french mustard
sentore nm (of flavour) hint senza prep without; free-of
sepiola nf mollusc,cuttlefish"
sepolina nf mollusc,cuttlefish"
seppia nf mollusc,cuttlefish"
sera nf evening; buona -! good evening!
servire vt to serve; to dish up; to pour-out; (of food) to help
setacciare vt to sieve; to sift
sfilatino nm baguette; french loaf
sfilettare vt (of fish) to fillet
sfincione nm sicilian pizza
sfoglia nf pastry; flaky pastry
sfogliatella nf crystallized fruit/ricotta-ed puff pastry
sfogliatina nf puff pastry
sformato nm (of cheese &c) flan; shape; mould; (of vegetables) pudding/souffle
sfornare vt to remove from oven
sfornato a fresh-baked; straight out of the oven
sfuso a (of sweets &c) loose; unpackaged; (of butter) melted; (of wine) on-tap; unbottled
sgassato a (of champagne &c) flat
sghiacciare vt to thaw sgocciolare vt (of bottle) to empty; vito drip
sgocciolatoio nm plate-rack; draining-board
sgocciolatura nf dripping; drips; drops
sgombrare vt (of room) to vacate
sgombro nm sea fish,mackerel"
sgonfiarsi vi (of souffle) to collapse
sgranare vt (of peas &c) to shell; to hull
sgranellare vt (of bunch of grapes) to pick individual grape
sgranellatura nf (of bunch of gf2pes) picking of individual grape
sgranocchiare vt to munch
sgrassare vt to skim-off fat; (of meat &c) to trim
sguattera nf kitchen-maid
sgusciare vt (of nuts/shrimps &c) to hull; to shell; to peel
sgusciato a (of nuts/shrimps &c) hulled; shelled; peeled
shaker nm cocktail-shaker
sifone nm (of soda) syphon
sigaro nm cigar; cheroot; ~ avana Havana
signora nf (of address) waitress
signore nm (of address) waiter; a (of wine) fine; excellent
signorina nf (of address) waitress
single bar nm singles bar
sistemare vt (of table &c) to arrange
sistemazione nf (of table &c) arrangement; accommodation
slabbrare vt (of crockery/glass) to chip
smacchiatore nm scouringpowder; stain-remover
smeriglio nm sea fish,porbeagle shark"
smezzare vt to cut in half; (of drink) to consume half
smielare vt (of honeycomb) to extract the honey
sminuzzare vt (of vegetables) to shred
sminuzzatoio vt (of vegetables) shredder
smoccolare vt (of candle) to snuff out
smoccolatoio nm candle snuffer
smontare vi (of souffle) to collapse; (of gravy &c) to go runny
smorzare vt (of lamp) to dim; (of thirst) to quench; (of candle) to extinguish
smozzicare vt to nibble; to (rub) into small pieces
snocciolare vt (of nuts &c) to stone; to pit
snocciolato a (of olives) pitted
snocciolatura nf stoning; pitting
sobbollire vi to simmer; to start to boil
sobriamente adv in moderation
sodo a firm; hard; (of egg) hard-boiled
soffiato a (of rice) puffed
soffice a soft; (of bread) doughy
soffriggere vt (of frying) to saute; to brown
soffritto nm (of frying) browned; (of garnish) oil-fried herbed onions
sofisticare vt (of wine/food) to adulterate
sofisticato a (of wine/food) adulterated
solidificarsi vi (of butter) to harden; to congeal; to set _ solido a (of lard &c) hard
solleticare vt (of appetite) to whet
solubile a (of coffee &c) instant
sommelier nm/f sommelier; wine-waiter
soppressa nf (of cold pork) pressed head/skin; pork/beef/garlic salami
sopraffino a delicious; top-rate
sorba selvatica nf rowanberry
sorbettiera nf (of equipment) sorbet-maker
sorbetto nm sorbet; water-ice
sorgente nf (of water) spring; (of water) well
sorgiva nf spring; -o a spring; acqua -a spring water
sorgo nm Indian millet; sorghum
sorseggiare vt to sip; to drink slowly
sorso nm sip; swig; mouthful; nip
sorvegliante nm/f (of carpark &c) attendant
sosta vietata nf no parking
sotterranea nf subway; tube; metro
sottigliezza nf sharpness; fine ness
sottile a thin; (of blade) sharp,keen"
sottobicchiere nm beer-mat; coaster
sottopentola sottopentola
sottovuoto a vacuum-packed
sovrapprezzo nm (of price) extra charge
spadellare vi to be busy cooking
spaghettata nf spaghetti-feast
spaghettini nmpl long very-thin spaghetti
spagna nf alfalfa,lucerne"
spalla nf (of meat) shoulder; collar; economy; (of beef) chuck steak; (of pork) hand; ~ di San Secondo smoked shoulder of pork
spalmabile a (of cheese &c) spread
spalmare vt (of butter &c) to spread
spannocchiare vt to shell; to husk
spannocchio nm king prawn; imperial prawn
spappolare vt (of fruit/ vegetables) to pulp; to crush
spappolato a (of vegetables) mushy
sparecchiare vt (of table) to clear
spargisale nm salt-cellar
spargizucchero nm sugar caster
spatola nf spatula; fish-slice
speck nm smoked herbed ham
spegnere vt (of thirst) to quench; to slake; (of candle) to extinguish; to blow out
spegnitoio nm (of candle) snuffer
spellare vt (of animal) to skin spellato a (of animal) skinned
spennellare vt (of pastry &c) to brush [with milk &c] spelta ,nf (of wheat) spelt"
sperlano nm (of fish) smelt
spettacolo nm (of cabaret) show; performance; entertainment
spezia nf spice; -e miste mixed spice
spezzato a (of peas) split
spezzettare vt (of biscuit &c) to break-up
spiaggia nf'(bf seaside) beach
spianare vt (of pastry) to flatten; to roll out
spianatoia nf pastry-board
spianatoio nm rolling-pin
spicchio nm (of garlic) clove; (of orange) segment; (of cake) slice
spiedino nm skewer; kebab
spignattare vi to be busy cooking
spigola (branzino) nf(nm) sea fish,bass"
spillare vt (of draught beer) to pull
spilluzzicare vt (of food) to nibble; to pick at
spinarolo nm sea fish,spiny dogfish"
spinato a (of fish &c) boned
spirito nm spirits; alcohol
spolare vt (of fruit) to de-pulp
spoletina (alla) a from Spoleto
spolverare vt (of cake/furniture) to dust; to sprinkle; (of housework) to dust
spolverata nf (of icing-sugar &c) dusting; sprinkling
spolverino nm (of sugar &c) sifter; (of housework) duster
spolverizzare vt (of cake &c) to dust (with); to sprinkle (with)
spolvero nm (of icing-sugar) dusting
sporta nf basketful; bagful; shopping basket/bag
sportello automatico nm cash-machine
sportivo a (of dress) informal
spremere vt to squeeze; (of grapes) to press
spremiaglio nm garlic-crusher
spremifrutta nm (of oranges &c) juice extractor
spremilimoni nm lemon- squeezer
spremitura nf pressing; (of orange) squeezing; (of oil) pressing
spremuto a squeezed; pressed
spruzzare vt (of water &c) to sprinkle; (of icing-sugar &c) to dust
spruzzata nf (of drink) splash
spruzzatina nf (of drink) small splash; (of lemon) squeeze
spruzzo nm sprinkling; dash
spugnola gialla nf (of mushroom) morel
spuma nf (of drinks) froth
spumante nm sparkling wine
spumare vi to froth; to foam
spumeggiante a (of wine) sparkling
spumone nm whipped-cream/egg dessert; soft whipped cream ice-cream
spuntino nm snack; nibbles; collation; light meal
squadro nm sea fish,angelfish
squagliare vt (of butter &c) to melt
squalo nm sea fish,shark; ~ nasuto mackerel shark"
squama nf (of fish) scale
squamare vt (of fish) to scale
squisitezza nf delicacy; (of dish) treat
stagionare vt (of wine/cheese &c) to mature; to age
stagionato a (of wine/cheese &c) mature; aged; seasoned;
stagionatura nf (of cheese &c) maturing
stambecco nm (of goat) ibex
stamigna (stamina) nf muslin
stampino nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape
stampo nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape; (of bread-making) tin
stantio a (of bread &c) stale
stappatura nf (of bottle) opening
Stati Uniti nmpl United States (of America)
stazione del pullman nf coach-station
stecca nf (of chocolate) bar; (of cigarettes) pack; skewer
steccare vt (of lamb &c) to stick
stecchino nm toothpick; (of barley-sugar &c) stick
stella nf (of restaurant &c rating) star; rosette
stellette nfpl star-shaped pasta
stelline nfpl star-shaped pasta
stendere vt (of pastry) to roll out
sterilizzato a sterilized
stinco nm (of pork) knuckle; shin
stopposo a (of meat/beans) stringy
straccadenti nm tooth-pick; hard biscuit
stracchiate a (of eggs) scrambled
stracciatella nf chocolate-chip ice-cream; parmesan/egg-ed soup
straccio nm cloth; teacloth; duster
stracolmo a (of spoonful) heaped; to-the-brim
stracotto rim red-wined beef stew
stracuocere vt to overcook
strapazzato a (of eggs) scrambled
strato nm layer; tier; topping; torta a -i layer-cake
stravecchio a (of cheese) ripe; mature; (of parmesan cheese) 3 years old; (of wine) mature; aged; (of vinegar) over 20 years old
stravecchione a (of parmesan cheese) 4 years old strinare vt (of fowl/feathers) singe
strinato a (of fowl/feathers) singed
striscia nf strip; flitch
strizzata nf squeeze; wring
strofinaccio nm dishcloth; floorcloth; teacloth
strofinare vt (of floor &c) to scrub; (of pan) to scour
strozzapreti nm small gnocchi
strutto nm lard; pork fat
stufa nf stove; ~ a carbone charcoal-burner; ~ a lenga wood-burner (stove)
stufare vt to stew; to braise
stufatino nm stew; ragout
stufato nm stew; a stewed
stura nf (of bottle) uncorking
sturabottiglie nm corkscrew
sturamento nm (of bottle) uncorking
sturare nf (of bottle) to uncork
stuzzicadenti nm toothpick; cocktail-stick
stuzzicamento nm (of appetite) whetting
stuzzicare vt (of appetite) to whet
stuzzicarsi vi to pick teeth
stuzzichino nm nibble,appetizer; snack"
succedaneo nm (of coffee &c) substitute
succosita nf (of fruit) juiciness
succoso a (of fruit) juicy
succulento a succulent; tasty; juicy
succulenza nf succulence; tastiness; juiciness
sugherello nm sea fish,scad
sughero nm (of bottle) cork
sugo nm juice; sauce; gravy; (of cooking) liquor; ~ alla bolognese Bolognese sauce,minced beef/tomato/onion sauce; ~ al lepre hare sauce"
sultanina nf currant; sultana
superalcolici nmpl hard liquor
supermarket nm supermarket
supermercato nm supermarket
supplementare a additional; (of car-park) overflow
supplemento nm (of price) extra charge
suppli nm rice/mince/tomato/mushroom-ball; rice croquette
supreme nm supreme; the best
surgelamento nm deep freezing
surgelare vt to deep-freeze; to quick-freeze
surgelato a deep-frozen; quick-frozen; (of food) convenience
surgelatore nm deep-freeze
surriscaldare vt to overheat
surriscaldarsi vi to overheat
surrogato a inferior substitute; ersatz
sushi nm sushi; raw-fish rice balls
svaporato a (of beer) flat
sventramento nm (of fish) to gutting; (of fowl) to drawing
sventrare vt (of fish) to gut; (of fowl) to draw
svinare vt (of wine) to draw off (from barrel)
svizzero a (of cheese &c) Swiss